independent living
Living independently for longer with clock and task alerts
Living at home independently for as long as possible is vitally important to quality of life for most older people. Deteriorating health, including memory problems, can make staying in their own home increasingly difficult though, and it can seem like going into care is the inevitable result. This move can be delayed though, with the […]
Read moreHow can I get my parent home from hospital?
‘Bed blocking’ has become rampant in NHS hospitals. Latest figures suggest that more than 13,000 (13,179) beds a day were taken up on one week in November 2022 by patients who no longer needed one. That is an increase of a quarter compared to the first week of December in 2021. This is worrying for […]
Read moreGadget ideas to make life easier for seniors
There are a growing number of gadgets on the market that are designed to help older people and their carers with everyday tasks. We take a look at a few of those currently available. Dressing made easier Ageing bodies can make the simple act of dressing a tough chore, even just trying to put on […]
Read moreHow can Extra Care accommodation work for your older family members?
Needing a little more support when getting older doesn’t have to mean heading directly to a care home, or even needing a carer to visit several times a day. There are various options for moving to a more manageable home within a community, where people can befriend and support each other. In some cases there […]
Read moreHow activity monitoring technology can keep people safe at home
Collaborative Post While there are always exceptions, it’s accepted that most people want to stay in their own homes for as long as they can. Sometimes it can become tricky though as ageing erodes the facilities that help us to stay safe. If we can’t see or hear so well, or our balance or mobility […]
Read moreWhere do retirement living apartments fit into our life plan?
By Kathy Lawrence Retirement apartments are springing up all over the place. In some countries these developments and larger retirement villages are commonplace and even part of people’s normal retirement plan. That’s not yet true in the UK, but do they represent a sensible move for people moving into retirement? At the age of 78 […]
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