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Safety at home

What can be done to ensure peace of mind for older people and their supporters?

4 Home Safety Tips Every Senior Needs to Know

Collaborative Post When it comes to our aging loved ones, needless to say, there are a lot of things that used to be normal that then become stress-inducing. Are they going to be safe driving alone? Are they okay to cook? Are they taking the right dosage? Are they safe to bathe? How safe is […]

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Baths for Handicapped Individuals

Collaborative Post A very important element in any bathroom should be the comfort and feasibility that is needed for handicapped or disabled people. Many of us often have a handicapped or disabled person living in our homes. Sometimes it is just our grandparents who cannot function properly and need a lot of help to even […]

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Simple Ways To Make Your Elderly Relatives’ Home More Accessible

Collaborative Post As relatives age, even family homes can present challenges in getting around comfortably and safely. By making smart modifications focused on ease of access, you can adapt their space to support independence and accommodate changing physical abilities. Here are straightforward tips for increasing accessibility. Improve Lighting Ageing eyes need more help than they […]

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Advice on keeping cool in a heatwave

While we have generally experienced some very hot weather in parts of the UK most summers, it looks like higher temperatures are going to be a feature of every summer in future. That means we need to be extra vigilant for our more vulnerable relatives and friends. Here are some tips to help get through a […]

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How to Make Your Home Safe For Elderly Parents: 3 Top Tips

Collaborative Post There comes a point in most peoples’ lives where they need to consider looking after their ageing parents. That isn’t an easy decision to make, and you’ll have countless options for this. One of the more notable is to move them into your house. To do that, however, you’ll need to know how […]

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Is Mould More Dangerous to Seniors? What to Know

Collaborative Post Mould, also referred to as mildew, is a fungal growth that occurs indoors and outdoors. Indoor mould usually results from high humidity in the house. So if you live in a wet area, you’re prone to mould problems. The presence of mould in your house can pose a health risk. It can trigger […]

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Home adaptations for the elderly

Collaborative Post Given the choice, most people would rather live out their days in their own homes. But when mobility starts to falter, they may need to think about new ways to organise their homes, and the aids that can help them remain independent and safe. The good news is that there are numerous easy […]

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