healthy eating

Can Easter food treats be good for you?
Many of those moving into middle and later life will be used to finding that the food and drink we enjoy are bad for us. Guilt can be this time become something of a way of life. So it’s reassuring to find an industry expert who believes that chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and Simnel […]
Read moreHow to help your parent prevent heart disease
Written by Rebecca Lenton Heart disease affects just under 500,000 people aged 75 and over in the UK. We’ve gathered together some tips to help your parent reduce the risk of heart disease as they get older – and they are relevant to the middle years as well. Debate continues as to which of these […]
Read moreHow to help your elderly parent avoid anorexia
Written by Rebecca Lenton Anorexia may not be an illness that’s commonly associated with ageing parents and yet it’s a condition that can stem from lack of motivation, lack of control or bereavement – all of which are often experienced by the elderly. Losing loved ones, losing control over their health and coping with feelings […]
Read moreHow to keep your parent’s fridge fresh and organised
Written by Rebecca Lenton We’re always told to watch what we eat but when it comes to our parent’s diet we can’t always be around to ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need or that their fridge is full of fresh food that’s not passed its best-before date. If you’re concerned your parent isn’t eating […]
Read moreHow to help your elderly parent avoid malnutrition
Written by Rebecca Lenton As people age their appetite can start to wane. The cause can simply be less need for calories and therefore nothing to worry about. But malnutrition can become a problem, and its causes could lie in physical issues such as difficulty in chewing and swallowing, or more emotional and mental issues […]
Read moreWhy eating well is important in dementia
We’re seeing new advice almost every day on how to prevent or delay dementia. It’s hard to know what to do for the best. A new review has taken a look at a wide range of current research to see if there is knowledge that we could use to help our parents – and ourselves […]
Read moreStocking the cupboards
Written by Kathy Lawrence Stuff happens, and sometimes your parents won’t be able to get out to the shops as often as they’d like. Here are a few ideas of items worth keeping stocked up in their cupboards and freezers for the difficult days. In the cupboards Tins and tins of soup Long-life ready meals […]
Read moreFood for thought – healthy eating tips for ageing palates
Written by Rebecca Lenton Home-style catering expert and fresh food advocate Janice Caluori offers advice on preparing nutritious meals that appeal to the changing tastes that come with age, and choosing ready-made meals tailored to our parents’ needs. I’m a firm believer is using fresh, local ingredients in home-style meals. As people age their tastes […]
Read moreTackling the emerging loneliness crisis for older men
Written by Kathy Lawrence The number of older men living alone is set to increase by 65% by 2030 according to a report published in October 2014. Andrew Kaye, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Independent Age, one of the organisations behind the report, discusses whether loneliness is inevitable. Hardly a week seems to go […]
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