Book Review: Beyond Beige by Sylvie Boulay ‘A Woman’s Illustrated Story of Old Age’
I opened this book cautiously. Did I really want to have confirmation that getting older is grim? Or to be greeted by pages of positive affirmations – which work for many but not for my degree of cynicism? It turned out these were unnecessary worries. Beyond Beige is a short and honest illustrated book which […]
Read moreIs walking the right step in your journey through a healthy life?
We find the advice everywhere. Exercise is good for you, and continued exercise will help you enjoy a healthier old age. In the UK, that means most of us are recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week, whether that’s brisk walking, dancing, swimming, water aerobics or moderate cycling. How much […]
Read moreReducing the risks of Type 2 diabetes
What’s the latest thinking on diabetes risk and treatment? Having just been through a Type 2 diabetes scare, I can confirm that there are a myriad of theories and approaches around how to avoid, reverse or manage the disease. Here is a roundup of some of the latest thinking. And if you think it’s contradictory […]
Read moreHow your parent’s garden can help butterflies make a come-back
This year we’re seeing a surge of ‘Painted Lady’ butterflies in parts of the UK. But it’s big news because butterflies are actually in decline. So when we’re helping our parents re-plan their gardens to be more manageable in later life, or start a new garden, why not invite the butterflies back with these tips? […]
Read moreFootwear choices for older people
Feet and the way people walk change as they get older. Some find their balance and mobility are impaired. So is there advice for everyone to help them stay comfortable and stable (as well as looking good!) in later life? We posed some questions we hear regularly to footwear retailer Brantano for their expert advice. […]
Read moreA focus on vitamin D – how the “sunshine” vitamin can improve health
Update July 2021: Evidence suggests that lack of vitamin D can lead to more hospitalisations due to Covid-19, but isn’t linked to greater mortality rates. Read more indepth analysis of studies on vitamin D and health here. Dr David Mantle, nutritional adviser at Pharma Nord, discusses the importance of vitamin D to health in an […]
Read moreHow can retailers become truly dementia-friendly?
Written by Kathy Lawrence Simple changes can make navigating and enjoying the shopping and eating out experience much easier for those with dementia. Shops, restaurants and community spaces regularly do an excellent job in signposting the way to the toilets in their buildings. But how about signposting the way out as well? Dementia expert Prof […]
Read moreWho takes responsibility when it’s a more distant relative who needs help?
Dear Lesley We were visiting my parents over the Christmas holiday – I thought the visit would be an opportunity to see how they are getting on, as they are both in their 80s now, and was looking forward to a bit of a break myself. As it turned out, they are not doing so […]
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