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Kathy Lawrence

Retirement planning is getting harder as cost of living bites

Difficulties in retirement financial planning in the current economic climate are highlighted in the latest  Scottish Widows Retirement Report. Contributions are falling, expected retirement ages are rising, and the likelihood of enjoying a ‘comfortable’ retirement is in doubt for some. Here are the key takeaways and recommendations from the report. Pension Contributions and Financial Wellbeing […]

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A comprehensive guide to tree maintenance

Collaborative Post Trees can be a real plus point for any garden. As well as looking beautiful, they provide much-needed shade for the hot summer days. Humans aren’t the only beneficiaries of trees – they are important to wildlife as well. Caring for your trees is important for keeping them healthy and long-lasting. It may […]

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The Impact Being a Truck Driver Can Have on Your Family

Collaborative Post Being a truck driver in the US might appeal to some people. You can drive an enormous machine, and some individuals appreciate that. You can carry goods across the country, so you’re performing a vital service. Trucks can easily weigh 80,000 pounds, so you must exercise caution while driving one. You must also […]

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Convenience and Flexibility: The Advantages of Private Health Insurance Alongside the NHS

Collaborative Post Navigating healthcare options in the UK can sometimes feel like a maze, especially when weighing the benefits of private health insurance alongside the National Health Service (NHS). While the NHS provides comprehensive and largely free healthcare to residents, there are instances where private health insurance offers additional advantages that can significantly enhance your […]

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Hobbies that Add Years to Life and Life to Years

Collaborative Post If you’re approaching retirement, then you might be wondering what you’re going to end up doing with all the new-found free time you might have to contend with. Finding the right hobby might have two benefits. Firstly, you’ll enjoy a much-improved quality of life. Secondly, and perhaps more surprisingly, you might actually be […]

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What to Do if You Lose Your Health Insurance in the UK

Collaborative Post Losing health insurance can be daunting, particularly in the UK where the healthcare system is experiencing significant changes. This guide will provide you with structured and detailed steps to navigate through such a challenging situation effectively. Understanding the Current Landscape In recent years, the UK health insurance market has undergone significant changes, with […]

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