
Dementia is stealing away my hero dad and I feel useless
Dear Lesley, My lovely dad is 73 years old and for the past four years has been suffering from dementia. He has always been my hero and my absolute closest friend but now the dementia is robbing him of mind and body. He’s confused, and often angry and upset, and I just want to scoop […]
Read moreHow do I deal with a mean mother?
Dear Lesley, It sounds awful but I have such a struggle with my mother, her constant demands and toxic ‘snidey’ comments. Everything is a crisis, when sometimes the ‘crisis’ is the cable coming out of the back of the TV and the TV not working. What I do is never enough and she is constantly […]
Read moreHow to support an elderly carer
Dear Lesley,My father died 15 years ago and my mother has been with a new partner for the last 10 years, although they don’t live together. In some ways their relationship is quite traditional in that he seems to make most of the decisions, pays for meals and holidays, and she drives him around, cooks […]
Read moreHow to cope when you’re a whistleblower
Dear Lesley, How do people cope if they’ve been the family whistle-blower, trying to report abuse of elderly parents by close relatives? 9 years ago I warned both the NHS and the local social services department that my parents were at risk of abuse. My letters and phone calls were ignored and my visits have […]
Read moreHow do I cope with caregiver guilt?
Hi Lesley, My wife is caring for her 78 year old mother who’s fairly physically disabled after suffering a stroke 12 years ago (slight weakness down right side) and spinal arthritis. Her mobility isn’t great. I try to do my share but recently I’ve been working away from home a lot. The stroke also damaged […]
Read moreTalking about your eldercare challenges
When you’re supporting an elderly person you can suddenly find yourself confronted with emotional and practical problems you’re not equipped to face without support. While we know people benefit hugely from our web service we’re now offering the expertise of a life coach and eldercare specialist to answer your individual questions. If you’d like professional […]
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