
What you need to know about pre-paid funeral plans
From the end of July 2022 new regulations have come into force in the UK pre-paid funeral market, with the aim of ensuring higher standards and better consumer protection. What was the problem? Funerals can be surprisingly expensive, even if you just want to keep it simple, and many people don’t want that cost falling […]
Read moreWhat does a hospice do?
Written by Rebecca Lenton When a parent reaches end of life or has a terminal illness it can be difficult to care for them full-time at home. Hospitals are not an ideal place to end one’s days, but a hospice can provide the care and peace to make for a good end in a hospice […]
Read moreWhat to do when a parent dies
Losing a parent is an emotional time. Yet there are numerous practical tasks to be undertaken – some quickly, some over time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what you need to do when a parent dies, written by Louise Pearce from her own experience and her work as a family solicitor at Morrisons. This article […]
Read morePlanning a funeral: Answers for the bereaved
Planning a funeral can appear an intimidating prospect. It’s an event where a never-ending checklist of tasks looms large, all to be undertaken when you are in the midst of grief and the initial stages of mourning your loved one. With this in mind we answer some of the key questions that are often asked […]
Read moreHow to cope with bereavement
Written by Rebecca Lenton Grief is something no one is ever really prepared for. Learning how to live with loss can be difficult and bereavement affects everyone differently but finding the right support can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle. We share where to find help, your rights to workplace leave and tips on how […]
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