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Understanding dementia

What is dementia and how can we best help people living with it?

Worried about dementia? Here are 5 things to look out for

Collaborative Post The thought of someone close to you developing dementia is something no one wants to experience. However, as people are living longer, it has become an increasingly prominent condition. Every person is different and there is no way of knowing fully how the disease will affect each individual. if you or a loved […]

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How to Support a Person With Dementia

Collaborative Post Dementia is not an easy topic, but, unfortunately, everyone can encounter it. Usually, a person doesn’t even think about it, but at some point, they find their older relative forgetful, unable to understand where he or she is, acting like a child, and overall awkward. And then, the challenges hit. If you find […]

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What support is out there for dementia carers?

Collaborative Post Caring for someone with dementia can be very challenging. Fortunately, there is a lot of support out there for carers that could make life easier. Below are just some of the different forms of support that are worth looking into. Government benefits As a carer, you may be eligible for government benefits such […]

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What is Vascular Dementia and how to spot the early symptoms

Collaborative Post Vascular Dementia is a form of Dementia and it occurs due to the blood vessels deep within the brain narrowing, restricting the ease of blood flow to the brain. This can happen through a stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attacks – more commonly known as ‘TIAs’ or ‘mini strokes’. Regrettably, it is estimated to […]

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What are the best options for individuals with dementia?

Collaborative Post If you have an elderly relative who is suffering from dementia, you will know that trying to figure out what is best for them can be very hard. Dementia affects around 850,000 people in the UK alone, and can put pressure not just on the individual but on their surrounding family and community. […]

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