Going online
We talk about how to use the web safely and productively

How to Become Tech-Savvy at an Older Age in 7 Easy Steps
Collaborative Post Technology has had a major effect on today’s world. However, while younger people have been brought up with emerging gadgets and devices, it can be difficult for seniors to understand the increasing range of technological advancements. Learning how to use digital devices and developing key skills can make your life easier in many […]
Read moreHow to help your loved ones make the most of online shopping
Collaborative Post Online shopping is a great experience and an excellent service, which can make your life easier. Unfortunately, not all older people can safely work out online shopping, even though the convenience of online shopping would be incredibly useful to them, especially if they have any mobility issues. So, to help you inform your […]
Read moreBecoming more tech-savvy – 8 tips for seniors
Collaborative Post Today’s world is being drastically changed by technology. And, while younger generations have been brought up with emerging tech, it can be difficult for seniors to understand and use the increasing range of devices and gadgets. Of course, you might be aware of how activity monitoring technology can improve elderly people’s quality of […]
Read moreA wealth of classic films on a TV or browser near you
Films are like music. They can take you right back to the time and place where you first saw or heard them. For many, those are happy memories, well worth revisiting. Talking Pictures TV has been screening classic film and television on Freeview, Youview, Sky and Virgin channels since 2015. It’s been offering memory joggers […]
Read moreWhy digital inclusion matters more now for older people than ever before
There has been a fundamental shift in how we need to view getting the older population online. It had been a nice-to-have – an alternative way to be connected to friends and family, access services, go shopping and enjoy talks, music, drama and learning. But the requirement to stay at home during the pandemic has […]
Read moreThe Benefits of Encouraging Your Loved Ones to Get Online
Collaborative Post Traditionally, older people have been slow to adopt new technology, most notably internet use, and although this is starting to change, there are still a significant number of elderly people – more than 2 million over-75s are not online – who have yet to adopt internet usage. This is such a shame, especially […]
Read more5 Apps to Keep Older People Connected Through Messaging
The internet has provided a welcome connection to the outside world for people of all ages, but particularly for those who spend more time at home as they finder it harder get out and about. And that connection has become even more important during the pandemic. Impact of Covid The Covid pandemic has presented new […]
Read moreThe best mobile phone for seniors: 6 top tips
Collaborative Post More than 95% of UK households own at least one mobile phone, and a significant proportion of people have access to a smartphone. Although smartphone usage among the older population is increasing, they’re still the demographic that’s least likely to own or use a smartphone in the UK. However, the features and functionality […]
Read moreKeeping the family connected with computer games
With seasonal festivities on the horizon, it’s time to plan for family get togethers – whether they’re real or virtual. If being in the same home isn’t going to be possible, then how can we connect our older family members with our own household, and particularly the grandchildren? Here are a few free, easy and […]
Read moreVirtual tours and experiences for seniors
The need to stay at home during the pandemic has brought about a new focus on how to connect to and view the world through the wonders of technology. Now many of us are very comfortable with using virtual experiences to stay close to loved ones and being able to continue enjoying the world. Although […]
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