The Keys To Reducing Inflammation
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Inflammation is one of the biggest reasons that we feel pain. When an area is inflamed or looks puffy, there is an excess amount of fluid that has swollen the area – and during that, it is pushed against the nerves, which causes pain.
The pain from inflammation can be felt as throbbing, sharp stabbing sensations or a constant ache, and it is commonly associated with almost all chronic pain illnesses.
It is possible to help the inflammation you feel in your body with a few steps, but the severity of the inflammation and how long it takes (for chronic illness and pain) is better managed with a doctor for long-term care.
Blood Sugar
Many of us are trapped in the quick-carb cycle, which means we are ready for a lot of pasta, white bread, white rice, and crisps. They give us a quick energy bump and stop us from feeling hungry right at that moment.
When we have these, our blood sugar spikes for a while and then crashes again – as they don’t release a steady stream like complex carbohydrates do (fruits, vegetables, brown breads).
High blood sugar negatively impacts the immune system and triggers pain, swelling, and redness.
Anti-inflammatory food
Many foods are cited as great for reducing inflammation in the body, and many of them are found on illness-specific lists like arthritis foods to avoid or the diet that is recommended for people with MS.
Almost all lists will include reducing sugar intake and increasing the number of fruits and vegetables – but especially those with anti-inflammatory properties like garlic, teas, turmeric, salmon, tofu, and soybeans.
One of the diets that comes highly recommended for those who are looking to stick to an anti-inflammatory diet is the Mediterranean diet because it is high in whole grains and fish.
Unless you take some steps to eliminate some foods in your diet, you might not be sure what is triggering your inflammation. Inflammatory foods are typically processed, fried, or contain a lot of trans fats. But you can eliminate different foods and see if you have a specific trigger within those.
For those that are able, moving as much as you can is important. Taking time for regular exercise is a great way to get the blood flowing and reduce inflammation. During a workout, your muscles release IL-6, which is a protein that pushes an anti-inflammatory through the body. Even as little as a 20-minute session can boost the immune system, too.
Staying active is an important part of living in a healthy way, in company or on your own.
Stress is one of the biggest contributing factors to inflammation, so stress management is something that most people need to keep an eye on. Try to look for your stress triggers and how you can navigate them in the best way.
Lowering stress can be a huge benefit when it comes to inflammation reduction, but you might need to build a framework that can help with reducing your levels. Things like no-device time, working on your hobbies, or spending time with people who are naturally calm.
This article is for information only. Please consult your qualified medical practitioner if you have any concerns about your health.
Photo by Naveed Pervaiz on Unsplash