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4 Handy Gadgets for Parents with Mobility Issues

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As our parents age, it can become harder for them to get around like they used to. There are some things they can’t do anymore – whether it is too physically intensive or simply needs a steadier hand to use. Here are some handy gadgets for your parents when they show signs of having mobility issues to help give them a better quality of life and just make their life easier.

Electric blinds

If your parent has some mobility issues, even something like drawing the blinds may be a major job. While it may not seem like a big task for a younger person, for an older person with mobility issues it can be a feat to walk around a room adjusting all the blinds.

Because of this, there are now electric blinds designed for people with mobility issues. Rather than having to walk around a room adjusting blinds by hand, your parent can adjust the blinds with a simple remote control, or use different preset levels for the blinds, to let in sunlight during the day and to close to avoid too much sunlight leaking through.

Hoover duties

If your parent finds it hard to move about the house, there’s little chance that they can vacuum the whole of their house in one go. After all, carrying about a vacuum and hoovering your house can be strenuous at the best of times. So for parents with mobility issues, a robot vacuum cleaner might help.

These are essentially small plate-shaped robots that have a vacuum attached to them. Rather than your mum or dad having to hoover the house, they’ll simply need to turn on the robot and place it on the floor, and it’ll get to work hoovering the house. This will mean your parent’s home will be nice and clean without them needing to exhaust themselves.

Lifting seats

Even for young people, sometimes getting out of a deep chair can be strenuous. For an elderly parent with mobility issues, even just getting out of a normal chair may be hard for them. This is where lifting seats come into play. You can get them built into chairs or as a portable cushion for your parent to take with them to events.

Lifting seats are essentially normal sofa cushions but with a pneumatic mechanism on the inside that will lift the seat for your parent to comfortably get our the chair without exuding a lot of energy. The portable versions are highly recommended and are easy to transport, meaning that even when you’re out at a restaurant, say, your parents don’t need to worry about their seating.

XL shoe horn

This gadget may seem like a strange addition to the list, but for those with mobility issues, putting on shoes can be a strenuous chore, especially if their mobility issues affect the back or legs. Having to bend over and get a pair of shoes on can be a bit hard.

So an XL shoe horn is a good idea for a parent with mobility issues, allowing them to slip into their shoes without bending down. An XL shoe horn works just like a normal shoe horn, but has a much longer grip so that you can put your shoes on whilst standing.

Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels.

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