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Reasons to wear a face mask

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Wearing a mask, like a p2 mask, during the COVID-19 epidemic occasionally appeared to become more political than a health concern. It was natural to feel embarrassed about wearing masks and to become enraged when others did not. Because there was no established national convention in the US for when and where to do so, and because it was still early in the pandemic, there wasn’t a widespread protocol. When interacting with people other than immediate family in public, people were advised cover their faces with masks, especially if maintaining other social distance-keeping techniques was difficult.

So what’s the big deal? In short, despite the fact that some people merely didn’t want to be pressured into doing anything, particularly by the government, researchers have found that adopting these precautionary measures, in addition to socially isolating yourself, considerably reduced the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Here are some reasons to continue wearing masks now and into the future.

Who should wear masks?

Initially, in the COVID-19 outbreak, it was advised practically all children, even healthy adults and children to put on a mask, with the exception of those under the age of two and those who had respiratory difficulties, unconscious, disabled, or were incapable of removing the mask by themselves.

People may decide to protect themselves with a mask at any time in low-risk areas. In places with moderate danger on public transit that is indoors, masks are still advised. It is advised to wear a “high-quality mask or respirator” while in locations with high risk. It is advised that everyone wear one.

When your respiratory condition is weak such that you have difficulty breathing using a cloth face mask, you are advised to stay home and abstain from any high-risk activities outdoors.

Reasons why we should continually wear masks

As the number of coronavirus infections continued to rise in many parts of the United States, health professionals have been more adamant about urging the populace to wear surgical masks. A lot of it is because of what scientists were discovering about how well mask coverings work.

According to an increasing number of studies, COVID-19, which has already infected approximately three million Americans, is being suppressed by the continual use of face masks. Let’s know more.

Masks protect other people

The respiratory particles released whenever an infected individual sneezes, coughs or speaks are the main way the coronavirus travels from human to human. However, facial masks can stop these droplets. They serve as a barrier to prevent virus-carrying particles from leaving an infectious disease and touching someone else. Droplets travelled more and over eight feet without a protective mask. There is little question that even a simple cloth face mask significantly reduces the number of viruses that a person might spread.

You may not realise you are contagious

In the past, masks have only been advised for those who have contracted COVID-19 in order to protect those around them. Nevertheless, it was suggested that everyone use a fabric face cover in public places once it was discovered that the infection can be spread by both those who never exhibit symptoms (asymptomatic) and by those who do (symptomatic).

About 40% of persons with coronavirus infections rarely experience COVID-19 symptoms, according to some research. As a result, it is quite challenging to identify potential virus transmitters.

This is why the World Health Organization advised wearing a mask even if you do not feel sick. It’s one approach to lessening the risk of unintentionally infecting others, particularly those who are likely to get very sick if exposed to the Coivd-19 virus.

Masks can protect you as well

According to some studies, wearing a cloth face mask may provide some degree of protection, but the benefits of defence are most noticeable when everybody covers their nose and mouth. Consider this a triple advantage.  If more people use face masks to prevent the spread of the virus, there will be fewer viruses in society. Everybody’s risk of infection is lowered by this.

According to research published in Health Affairs, imposed face mask laws had a higher impact on the daily control of COVID-19 transmission of COVID-19. As a result, whether you interfere to protect the transmitter or to protect the receiver from virus infection if you can stop virus transmission on both, everyone wins. Without a doubt, wearing a face mask significantly lowers transmission.

Masks may help the economy recover

Additionally, masks may be beneficial to the economy. There have been concerns that we may need to return to the lockdowns that we experienced at the height of the epidemic as a result of recent rises in coronavirus cases, which had forced some American communities to postpone or reverse plans for reopening.

Security measures at the beginning of the outbreak crippled the American economy, and since mid-March, over 44 million people have applied for unemployment payments. Nonetheless, the widespread use of face masks may significantly limit the increase in viral cases.

There are few alternatives

When it comes to battling the coronavirus, washing hands, social distancing, and mask use are the three factors that do work. because there isn’t a vaccine for it and there are more potent pharmacological regimens for treating COVID-19 patients. Additionally, these measures are generally easy to adopt and low-cost.

If individuals had maintained a six-foot distance from others, regularly wash their hands, and cover their faces in public, particularly in situations where it is impossible or difficult to maintain a social distance, we might not have found ourselves in the situation that we did.


The risk of unintentionally transmitting the infection can be easily reduced by using a mask, but it isn’t a cure-all. People must also keep social distance and maintain proper hand cleanliness. When compared to masks with only one layer of cloth and lower thread counts, those with several layers of material and higher thread counts performed significantly better.

In general, putting on a mask is a healthy and hygienic practice. Medical workers, from doctors to dentists, wear masks even before epidemics to safeguard themselves from potentially infectious patients as well as to prevent their individual germs from spreading. When someone is sick and has allergies, it’s common in several cultures to put on a mask. It is only proper and hygienic to put on a mask in a high-risk circumstance to protect you as well as other people.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

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