Making the Most of British Staycations
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The pandemic saw many families turn their attention back to the UK isles and the promise that staycations can bring. According to the Telegraph, staycations continue to edge out foreign trips when it comes to total value, and millions of Brits have chosen domestic holidays as a result. One major benefit of staying in Britain comes for families with elderly relatives. Taking foreign countries and air travel out of the equation can be really helpful, especially when there are complex care needs. Indeed, a trip at home can be wonderful, economical, and build memories to last a lifetime.
The budgetary argument
Air travel has created a situation where most families can afford to get away to dream destinations internationally. Unfortunately, recent years have seen air travel costs climb and climb, to the point that the BBC have reported high single-figure increases even for budget airlines, like RyanAir. Furthermore, as controversies throughout May 2022 have shown, significant disruptions are liable to leave consumers out of pocket. Conversely, train fares have stayed stable, and savvy shoppers can find ways to reduce their ticket prices further. Pre-purchasing tickets is one way, and splitting fares another. Consider a trip from Manchester to Edinburgh: splitting ticket prices here will yield a £17 reduction on average, a saving of around 25%. With pensions on the squeeze too, this can be an easy way to make travel affordable.
Time to talk
Travelling by rail and then taking a trip to a relaxed town or city also creates opportunities for chat. According to Psych Central, one of the most beneficial things a family can do for ageing relatives is simply to talk. It fends off loneliness, and with it cognitive decline, and improves overall mood and happiness. Rail travel, or even car, takes a while, and that’s an opportunity to slow down and talk. Rather than the unfamiliar rush of airports, and the confusion of foreign countries, you can enjoy your time in comfort.
Look for the deals
The eldest generations are treasured for their experience and wisdom and this is often reflected in deals around the country. One example of this is in Aberdeen, where one hotel has, according to Aberdeen Live, offered freebies to senior citizens in an effort to reduce isolation and build community ties. Similar schemes have built up all around the country, and are a great opportunity to find somewhere new to get out and about and to build more memories. Elderly relatives will appreciate the nod given to them, and it gives you something to talk about and experience. Staycations are all about taking advantage of these moments and grabbing onto them.
A staycation brings a change of scenery, but not so much that it can be disorienting or stressful. Britain has a lot to offer, and there’s a good chance elderly relatives will have experienced some of it. Instead of looking to sunnier shores, consider a trip at home this year – it’ll be one to remember.
Photo by Darren Coleshill on Unsplash