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Tips on selling a home when it’s time to downsize

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There’s a point in life when your home becomes too big for you. Whether you’ve had children and they’ve now flown the nest , whether you have a partner or live on your own, there will come a time where you’ll need to sell your home and move into something more accommodating. A lot of memories may have been made in this property but for a more comfortable chapter in your life, here are some tips on selling your home.

Choose The Right Estate Agent

Selling your home can be stressful, but it can also be an emotional rollercoaster. If it’s a property you’ve owned for a long time, you want it to be in the hands of someone who will look after it, whether that’s the estate agent or buyer that you choose. When picking the right estate agent, do your research before picking one. Some are going to be different to others, and some may even be tailored to specific properties or buyers and that could either work in your favour or not. Firstly, look at the reviews that other buyers or homeowners have given the company. Shop around before settling down with the estate agent because you’ll want to get multiple values on pricing for your property.

You’ll want an agent who has a proven track record of selling a property and who has the seller in mind when it comes to getting the best deal. They should have great marketing techniques and listen to your requests and needs down to the letter. You are, after all, putting your property in their hands to sell. Don’t forget that you will be charged a fee for the selling of your home and so you want to make sure that the figure isn’t going to leave you out of pocket. Don’t be afraid to negotiate this if you’ve been shopping elsewhere. They may want to reduce their quote in order to secure you as a customer.

Take Advice On Pricing

When it comes to pricing the property, it is always good to get multiple quotes from different estate agents. Each one is going to have their own experience of similar properties that they have sold and what they went for. If they have a good idea of the market, they’ll be able to make a more specific guess on what you can get for it. Regardless of who you pick though, do take this advice on pricing with a pinch of salt. Just because they have the professional capacity to suggest a price, you are well within your right to set whatever price you think necessary. If you’ve had a mixed bag of values, then try to aim for anything in between.

It’s worth discussing with the agent what work or extras could be done to the property to increase its value. These are not necessarily big expenditures, but it could be the difference between an extra few thousand pounds or not. If you’re able to do the work and it doesn’t leave you out of pocket, then it’s worth doing!

Consider Alternatives

There are always alternatives when it comes to selling your home, and one of those might be a company like flyinghomes.co.uk who can give you an instant offer for your home.  This can be a really great option if you’re desperate to sell or have a situation where you can’t really wait around for the right buyer to come in. Always take this into consideration and make sure that you look into the terms and conditions when picking this option in order to make sure that it’s the right thing for you both personally and financially.

Budget For The Cost Of Moving

One factor of moving is to think about the cost of moving itself. Depending on where you’re going next, whether that’s into residential care or into a smaller property, you want to prep the logistics of moving and the cost. Think about hiring out a moving van to transfer all your belongings from A to B and be sure to get quotes fairly early on so that you can book ahead of time. This is also a great opportunity to get the help of any friends or family because the move is going to be difficult if it’s just yourself. Other costs to figure out is if there’s any insurance that needs taking out, stamp duty that needs paying and legal costs to process your move.

Look At The Current Market

Even if you’ve outgrown your home and that you’re ready to sell the property, the time to put it up on the market might not be right. The property market changes often, and no one can predict how it will play out because there are too many factors that could affect it and come as a surprise to everyone. So as a starting point, seek advice from your agent who should give you an honest opinion on whether or not, this is your time.

As a property owner, you can look at the market yourself by seeing what other properties are up for sale in your local area. Try to find ones that are pretty much the same as yours in terms of the condition, how many bedrooms or bathrooms they have, and see how long they have been on the market. This will give you a good indication of whether or not now is the right time or if it’s worth holding on until things start to pick up.

Dress To Impress

Putting yourself in the shoes of your prospective buyers is important when it comes to showing off the appeal of your home. Would you like to see a cluttered space or rooms that you can’t go into because they’re messy? That’s something you should definitely be avoiding in your own home when it comes to buyers visiting the property. It’s going to be hard work, but there’s a number of tips when dressing your home that you should use when you come to selling the home. Firstly, do a deep clean of the home, decluttering anything that you really don’t need anymore. Then stage each room for its intended use. Natural light is also great for highlighting the space, so wind up the blinds or throw back your curtains to let it shine in.

 Be Patient With Buyers

You’re going to get a mixture of buyers who will all have different preferences that they’re hoping to find in your home. Some may be purchasing this as a family home, some may be buying it for retirement. So it’s important to be patient with each and every one of them and to answer any questions, no matter how many, that they ask. You also need to keep an eye on the time of year. A buyer may have looked at the property just a week or so leading into the summer, but this season is notorious for a lack of buyers because they’re all out having fun. Don’t pin your hopes too much on any buyers who show interest as they may not actually make an offer. Be kind, welcoming, and promote your home if you’re there.

 Stay Out Of The Way

Once buyers have been around the home the first time, they may want a second visit and a chance to meet you to ask you questions about the property and the local area. However, during their first visit, there’your presence could be off-putting. Potential buyers may already feel like they’re intruding in someone else’s home, and that can be ten times worse if you’re lingering around. They might not get the full tour of your home for fear that they are in the way, and that’s not what you want when they have the money. When the estate agent calls to say they have a visit organised, give yourself an hour away from the property by going for a walk, seeing a friend of doing some shopping. Put your faith in the agent that they will look after the buyers and more importantly, your home.

Selling your home can certainly be a conflicting experience but providing you move forward with these tips, you’ll do your property proud and find the perfect buyers for your home. So in order to do that, make sure you pick the right estate agent and that you do your research well. Take their advice when it comes to pricing, but ultimately it’s your choice. Look at the current market to see what’s selling and what’s not – your time to sell may or may not be now. Dress your home and do your bit to sell your home when they come to visit the property but step away when you need to.


Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

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