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Draught-Proof Your Home To Retain Heat And Improve Energy Efficiency

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Draughty homes aren’t just cold and uncomfortable, they’re also huge money wasters. UK families lose £950-worth of heat on average through gaps and cracks around the home, a report from Citizens Advice reveals. Whether your parents are independent or live with you, it’s essential their home is kept warm, comfortable, and draught-free through the winter. This is all the more important as cold temperatures increase risk of chest infections, heart attacks, and strokes in the elderly. Fortunately, if you take steps to draught-proof your windows and exterior door, as well as upgrade to an energy-efficient central heating system, you’ll better protect your parent’s health and save money on heating costs this winter.

Upgrade your central heating  

Before you get started, it’s important to first improve the energy efficiency of your central heating system. If your boiler’s old or hasn’t been maintained well, then it likely has to work overtime to heat your home, and therefore uses up more energy than it really should do – which is bad news for your heating bills, whether you have draughts or not. So, now’s a good time to upgrade to an energy-efficient model.

Air source heat pumps, in particular, are energy-efficient alternatives to traditional boilers that save as much as £240 annually on your energy costs. Unlike gas boilers that run on fossil fuels, air source heat pumps heat your home with outside air. This air is drawn in from the outdoors, heated, and sent to your radiators for them to use. These pumps also work well throughout the year, even in the dead of winter. For financial help, check out the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme. £7,500 grants are offered to help cover the cost of air source heat pump purchase and installation.

Seal your windows with brush strips

Sealing gaps and cracks around your windows can further save you around £40 a year. Although there’s a few sealant options available, brush strips – metal or plastic strips lined with bristles – are a good choice. Brush strips effectively retain heat and also have the edge of regular foam strips as they last longer before replacements are needed. These strips are also self-adhesive, so you can easily press them into place along your window frames without professional help. Just be sure the strips are a snug fit without any gaps that can still let cold air in – otherwise you’ll have to remove them and start again with fresh strips. So, measure the sides, top, and bottom of your window frames first, and then use scissors to cut the exact length of strip you need.

Draught-proof your door

Brush strips are also a great choice to seal underneath your exterior door. This does require the strip to be nailed in place, so contact a professional if you’re not comfortable with this task. Usually, brush strips should be fitted on the interior bottom edge of the door to best keep out draughts. But if your door opens outward, then the strip is best positioned on the exterior edge of the door. Also, don’t forget to draught-proof your letterbox as this also lets lots of cold air in. Letterbox draught excluders cost around £10, and come in a range of sizes, so it’ll be easy to find one that matches your exact measurements.

Draught-proofing your home is a simple job that can make the colder months much more cosy and comfortable for ageing parents. So, seal those gaps and cracks around your windows and doors, and your family’s health, happiness, and finances will all feel the benefit.

 Image on Unsplash

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