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Treating Age-Affected Hair

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Most of us know that our hair is likely to change as we get older, typically starting to turn grey as we move into middle age. However our hair changes in lots of other ways too. If your hair is showing the effects of ageing, here are a few ideas to discuss with your hairdresser.

Dryness and Dullness

Hair texture changes significantly as we get older. When we age, our hair starts to become gradually drier and coarser. This is due to a reduction in the natural oils that our scalp produces along with the loss of pigment, which not only causes our hair to grey but also alters its structure, making it feel more brittle.

To help combat dry, dull hair, it’s a good idea to wash hair less frequently and use gentle shampoos that won’t strip hair of its natural oils. You should also reduce the use of heat tools or if this isn’t possible, then lower the temperature as much as possible. When styling your ageing hair, your hairdresser can use a professional hair dryer with adjustable heat settings.

Volume Loss

A loss of hair volume as we get older means hair can start to appear flat and lifeless. Combat this by talking about volumising haircuts that will suit your face shape and hair length. Adding colour in the form of highlights or lowlights can also give the appearance of more volume.

When your hair is being washed in the salon, hairdressers can use a volumising shampoo and conditioner and may suggest you avoid applying conditioner to roots when you wash and condition at home.

When styling hair with a lack of volume, it’s essential to stick to lightweight products that don’t weigh hair down. Styling tricks such as a change to your usual hair parting or blow drying your hair the opposite way to your parting can give some much-needed volume by providing hair with lift from the roots.


Baldness isn’t just something that affects men. Female pattern hair loss is also common. Women suffering from this will typically see increased hair loss around the crown and a widening of their natural parting so that the scalp shows through. Understandably, this can be very distressing.

If you are struggling with hair thinning, consider adding layers, which can help to disguise thinning areas, or styling hair in bouncy waves or large curls.

You could also think about your diet and ensure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals you need. You may even want to consider taking a supplement containing added vitamins and minerals to stimulate hair growth and promote hair health.


Menopause typically starts for most women between the ages of 45 and 55 and this can lead to both hair thinning and breakage due to low levels of oestrogen and progesterone and increases in testosterone. Whilst it’s normal to lose hair every day to allow for new growth, during menopause this can increase and hair can also break along the strand, giving the appearance of thinner, flatter hair.

If you have noticed your hair breaking more than usual or an increase in split ends, then gentle care and styling are key to protecting the hair from further damage. Avoid styles that put strain on the hair, such as placing hair in rollers, backcombing or tying hair up in tight styles like high ponytails. Though these can give the appearance of more volume, they can make the issue worse in the long term.

Sticking to styles that you can easily replicate at home without frequent use of heated styling tools like hair straighteners is key. It is helpful to return for regular trims to minimise the risk of split ends and breakage.


Just as we age, so does our hair, and the way we care for it may change over time. Reduced production of natural oils can lead to dryer hair that is more prone to breakage as well as exposure to harsh chemicals and styling tools that can further exacerbate the damage. By ensuring that you and your hairdresser are caring for your hair using the correct styling methods and appropriate products you can keep mature hair looking fuller, stronger, and, overall, more youthful.


Image by Freepik

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