Makeup and skincare for the more mature face
Product review
Do you or older family and friends find that your usual makeup is no longer performing as well as it might? Or perhaps you’ve never quite got to grips with the whole makeup business. Maybe even, like me, when you pop on a bit of lippy you feel like you’re five again and have been playing at your mother’s dressing table?
Whether you’d like a bit of a refresh as we look forward to getting out into the world again, or you’d like to start from scratch, Look Fabulous Forever looks like it could help.
This small family business is dedicated to helping people choose and apply skincare products and makeup that work for more mature faces. Perhaps where the skin has got a bit thin and wrinkly, and some bits have dropped, while others are totally misbehaving.
The team kindly sent me a selection of products to try for our Mother’s Day gift list, so here’s what I’ve learned.
This is not an expert review, but a fascinated amateur one
This review is a ‘me, me, me’ post, but then it has to be really. I will try to generalise my thoughts to embrace anyone who’s not got the pale, crinkled face that I sport.
And, hand up, I am not a pro at this makeup game, which means the descriptions, products and instructions have really got to work hard for me. I actually feel this is online experience is a better way for me to learn than being trapped in a chair in a store while someone very well-being splats stuff all over my face in front of vaguely mystified passers by.
For the record, I’m early 60s, and like probably many amongst us, I’ve spent this last year ignoring make up. Because apart from Zoom and a few walking routes, I’ve been nowhere. But now it’s time to brighten up and get back to feeling good through looking better.
What can the products do?
No Shimmer Eye Shadow Trio £26
This is a completely matte palette of three complementary colours, designed to cover creases. It includes a video of how to apply, which was all new to me. I had no idea you could use eye shadow instead of eye liner.
Smooth Like Silk Face Primer £24
Intended to stop makeup disappearing over the course of the day by filling open pores and fine lines with ingredients such as aloe vera and silica.
Bring Back Brow Shape £19
Apparently many women find their brows getting thinner as they get older, and this product is designed to counteract the worst effects. It’s a liquid and fine brush that you use to paint on brow hairs, which you can then thicken with a pencil or powder. I couldn’t really test this product fully. My eyebrows seem to be taking after my father’s – longer and curlier and generally getting a bit wild. But after looking at this, I was prompted to get out the tweezers and have a tidy. One thing to note – I didn’t know what to expect from this product, so I opened it upside down and lost a fair bit of the liquid over the basin. Let that be a warning!
Eyebrow brush 6 £12
This is more like it where I’m concerned! A brush for taming and grooming eyebrows that have taken to changing texture and wandering off in different directions. It’s good for using with Bring Back Brow Shape, and the two can be bought as a set.
Luscious Colour Lipstick Soft Cinammon and Very Berry £20 each
A moisturising lipstick intended to make lips look fuller. Somehow my lips have got thinner over the last year, so I’m trying this one with interest. I’m not sure it’s doing the trick quite yet, but then it is recommended that you use a lip primer and apply several coats. So I need to revisit. Lovely colours, though I confess to usually opting very quiet tones that are barely visible.
Lithe Lash Mascara £17
I’ve always loved mascara, but it hasn’t necessarily loved me. There’s nothing quite like getting a bit of mascara filament stuck between your eyeball and your contact lens to remind you that makeup can be painful. So I was intrigued to see how this one might work for me. I checked with the website’s online beauty adviser first, who gave me an immediate answer. No filaments in there, so expecting no pain.
Instant Bright Highlighter £21
The video is especially helpful here, as I peer at my face trying to work out which bits need highlighting to add shape and brightness. So much to learn, but so much time to do it in, at least while we’re still safer at home.
How to buy and what to see
Visit the website and you’ll find a range of discounts available, including 10% if you sign up to the newsletter. Delivery is free for orders over £20 – which is going to be for pretty well anything. Not surprisingly, one purchase can very easily lead to another. After all, if you want the colours to do their best, you’ve got to prepare the surfaces first, haven’t you?
As well as individual products, there’s a good selection of ‘letter-box’ gifts, featuring collections you can arrange to be delivered for special occasions.
Products are made in the UK, are cruelty-free, and can be returned free of charge if they don’t suit. That could certainly take the angst out of gift buying.
There’s more to the site than selling though. Owner Tricia and her colleague Sally put together regular chats and videos. I got immersed in a piece about makeup for glasses wearers, which will be relevant for many of us. I never knew about rotating makeup glasses!
Tricia is also an advocate on behalf of older women and their continuing achievements, and the content of the site reflects this well.
The verdict
It’s a lovely site to browse, watch the videos, and learn. I might actually have to move the iPad to the bathroom to remind myself of what I’m doing. And get a better magnifying light as I’m distinctly short-sighted.
It’s troubling. As a result of this foray into looking good (well, better), I think I can feel yet another hobby coming on. And one that will be even better when I’m allowed to have a hair cut!
PS. Look Fabulous Forever has just released a Top 60 of older inspirational women, with varied careers (and very widen-range approaches to makeup!).