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Choosing the right gift for someone with dementia

Knowing what to buy for an older relative can be difficult. And choosing for someone with dementia can seem particularly hard. The people at Relish, who specialise in presents for those living with dementia, have put together some tips to help you feel confident in your choices.

Match the gift to ability

Cognitive ability diminishes over time for a person living with dementia. It’s important to find a gift with which they can engage that is neither frustratingly hard nor patronisingly easy.

How can you identify the level of your loved one’s ability? You could try using Relish’s Find Your Stage quiz. If you’re still not sure, perhaps other family members, friends or carers can contribute their opinion.

Think about hobbies and interests

This is a valuable tip for buying Christmas gifts full stop, regardless of if your loved one has dementia or not. Our loved ones’ interests don’t just disappear when they receive a dementia diagnosis, so think about what they enjoy and what you can offer to enhance that enjoyment.

Keep wrapping simple

It can be tempting to cover your all Christmas gifts in sticky tape and extra adornments. That’s fun for many, but for your loved one with dementia, this could actually create some stress. We suggest you put your gifts in a simple box or use easy-to-tear wrapping paper with minimal tape.

Look for a gift that will engage or soothe

Depending on where your loved one is at in their dementia journey, they may benefit from more engagement and stimulation, or they may find relaxation and soothing activities more enjoyable. Think about which your loved one needs more when selecting your Christmas gift.

Don’t worry!

Remember, it’s the thought that counts above all.

Find out more

Relish has created a full range of dementia-friendly gifts with wellbeing in mind. The company’s products are designed to bring joy and connection to people at various stages of the dementia journey, and their caregivers, all year round, not just at Christmas.

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Our festive guide to gifts for seniors

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