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Seven Top Travel Tips for Seniors

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One of the best gifts that you could ever hope to give your aged parents is the gift of travel. They’ve spent all their lives looking after you and now they have the time – and possibly the money – to see a little more of the world and you can make it happen. Their trip could be anything from a bucket list item that they desperately want to complete, to visiting your siblings who have emigrated elsewhere.

Either way, travelling is a little more tricky with elderly parents, and it’s mainly because of the slight lack of independence. The mind is willing, usually, but the body is ready to give up and have a cup of tea! Still, you can still send your parents on an amazing holiday with the help of Mobility Connect and possibly a chaperone. With all of this in mind, let’s have a look at seven important travel tips for your senior parents.

Find The Right Service

Did you know that there are travel services out there that specialise in travel for seniors? You can give your parents all the help they need with their planning, reservations and confirmations, and you can ensure it’s all posted so that they have physical paper copies of everywhere they are going and how to get from A-B for some of the best sights to see. The right travel service can arrange to find senior-friendly airlines, hotels and other tours so that they get the most out of their break.

Reserve Accessible Accommodation

For parents with mobility scooters and wheelchairs, accessibility is important. You can have their hotel briefed on dietary needs and what they need in terms of extra housekeeping to continue to ensure their comfort, too. It’s always better to find a hotel that values its senior members, and you can ask about any special provisions that are made at meal times.

Prepare The Airline

When you call to book flights, arrange for the airline buggies to ferry your parents from gate to gate. This way, they don’t have to walk twenty minutes to the right gate for their flight and they have personal assistance along the way. You can also have stewards ready to meet them at their destination to take them to collect baggage before they leave the airport.

Prepare Documents

Buy one of these stunning document wallets for easy organisation of passports, boarding cards and everything else they need to travel with. You can even print out their directions for driving. While you’re there, any medications need to be listed and printed so that they aren’t stopped at airport security.

Pack Lightly

Any essentials need to be packed in hand luggage, with clothes and everything else in the main hold. Roll-aboard suitcases are perfect for this, as medications and any prescriptions can be added to move through security. Pack for the weather, but add things like medical cards – just in case!

Think Safety

Elderly folks are vulnerable in busy airports, and you need to ensure that they have money belts and wallets tucked safely. Money belts that go under the clothes are perfectly discreet, as are these bags. Ensure they have the best car if they are allowed to drive, too!

Hit the Bucket List

This could be the trip of a lifetime and you need to ensure that your elderly parents are headed to a destination on their bucket list. Work out if they can go, whether they can go solo, any limitations and whether they will need a chaperone. Then, make the dream come true. Meet their expectations and more – they’ll cherish the memories.

Can The Destination Handle Them?

You may send your parents to an amazing resort, but it’s not so amazing if your parents are too complex to cope with. Liaise with their hotel and resort and talk them through any complications, medicines that they may need assistance with and talk to your parents about what they want from the trip. Trust us when we say they will love spending time being independent, even if it does mean that you have packed their things easy so that they can get to the right outfits on the right days!


This is going to be a trip of a lifetime, so as long as you have dotted all the ‘i’s and crossed all the ‘t’s they’re going to have the best time ever. Take a moment and ensure that they are feeling looked after, happy and confident, and wave them on their way.


Image Source: Pexels

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