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A comprehensive guide to tree maintenance

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Trees can be a real plus point for any garden. As well as looking beautiful, they provide much-needed shade for the hot summer days. Humans aren’t the only beneficiaries of trees – they are important to wildlife as well.

Caring for your trees is important for keeping them healthy and long-lasting. It may seem daunting, but tree maintenance is fairly straightforward. Here are some tips for keeping your trees healthy and looking beautiful.

Tree inspection

Working tree inspections into your garden time shouldn’t be difficult – you probably spend time looking at them anyway! Taking time to visually inspect each tree will help you to identify any issues early which means they can be remedied.

Keep an eye out for signs of disease. Dutch elm disease, for example, has killed countless trees over the last 50 years and can be identified by dark streaks underneath the bark on twigs as well as twigs that bend down to resemble a shepherd’s crook.

If you have any concerns about any trees, either publicly owned or privately, you may be able to find a tree disease specialist in your local area. They can help to identify the issue as well as provide solutions for treating it. Unfortunately, some diseases can’t be treated as they are fatal to trees. In this case, you will have to remove the tree completely.

Pruning techniques

Pruning is a good way to keep your trees from growing too wildly as well as removing dead bits to help it grow. There are various pruning methods, each with a different aim.

Crown thinning, for example, is where you selectively remove branches at the crown of the tree. This method is good for improving light penetration into the lower branches as well as reducing wind resistance. By doing this, you are promoting healthy leaves and reducing breakage at the same time.

Tree pruning can be a challenging task, especially if they are taller. It can be a job you feel more confident outsourcing to professionals. If you do decide to do it yourself, make sure you have all the necessary tools before starting, such as a good-quality cordless chainsaw.

Soil care

Soil is a huge factor in having healthy plants and trees and it varies depending on your garden. Tree planting is best done between October and April but you mustn’t plant in waterlogged or frozen ground.

Water shortages are common year-round, so make sure you regularly water. Tree roots can struggle to get moisture even if the top layer of soil is damp. However, overwatering is possible. If in doubt, use a trowel to dig down to see how far the dampness goes before watering.

For an additional system for watering, leave a circle of soil free from other plants as they can steal the water away from tree roots as their roots tend to be in the shallower layer of soil. Mulch is a great addition to this circle to help add moisture to your trees.

Photo by Tom Swinnen: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-bench-near-green-leaf-tree-595386/


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