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The Signs of a Good Quality Care Home or Assisted Living Premises

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When you’re looking at settling your loved one into a care home or looking for yourself at assisted living premises, it’s important that you’re selecting the right one. You may sometimes hear horror stories about neglect and even abuse, and it’s something we need to know how to avoid.

A good quality care home or assisted living premises is one that should feel safe and that is a welcoming place for everyone who needs the care or assistance. Here are some tell-tale signs of a good one.

Pay attention to the staff

Staff are an important aspect to pay particular attention to because they’ll give you an indication of how much care and attention goes into their patients or residents. There should be plenty of care staff on hand and this should be a healthy ratio in terms of staff to patients.

How they treat residents and any family members or friends coming to visit is also telling of whether it’s the best place for you or your loved one to be. Remember, you’re putting yourself or a loved one into the hands of strangers for the most part, so it’s important they are trustworthy and they have a great attitude.

What are the other residents like?

There’s no harm in speaking to other residents who are living on the premises, whether they’re in an assisted care setting or being cared for fully by the staff.

Of course, there will be some who aren’t able to talk to you due to their medical condition or state of mind, but you should be able to get a sense of whether the residents are being cared for properly and that it’s a safe space for all residents when it comes to the others who share it with them.

The environment should be well looked after

You may find you spend a small fortune on care, unless it’s covered through insurance or it’s covered by the government in your country.

The environment is something you should therefore pay attention to because you want to see that the money you spend is being well spent. The buildings and grounds should be well-maintained, as well as being an inviting environment. You should look at the level of maintenance services being offered and whether it’s noticeable on the property.

Is there an active social life and community?

And finally, one of the most important parts of these establishments is how well they keep residents and patients active. Both physically and mentally, it’s important that all residents are being cared for and that they’re getting plenty out of their day or week in the home.

A range of activities that involve both trips out of the home and internal activities are important. By keeping residents or patients active, it helps keep them living for longer.

Signs of a good quality care home or assisted living premises should be sought out, so use these tips when browsing any that you desire.

Image: Getty images on UnSplash+

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