How can you find helpful, reliable and appropriate care for your parent, wherever they choose to live?

Deciding between home care and care home? Here are the main differences and benefits of the two
Collaborative Post It is without a doubt that healthcare improves and extends lives. Deciding what type of care to go for can be a difficult decision for most of us. If this is your first time considering care, whether, for yourself or a loved one, you may be a bit stuck. Which option is best? […]
Read more4 Ways to Manage a Business with Caring Responsibilities
Collaborative Post Managing a business while you have caring responsibilities can be a mammoth task, but it’s equally rewarding in different ways. It’s imperative that you can balance both worlds – care and career – and of course, look after you own needs. Here are four tips for managing a business while you’re caring for […]
Read more3 Home Renovation Tips for Moving in Older Relatives
Collaborative Post Caring for our older relatives is something that many of us undertake at some point in our lives. This can mean visiting them every day to ensure that they have everything they need, seeing to their utilities, completing their washing and food shopping, and ensuring that they take any medication that they might […]
Read moreHow to care for elderly relatives
Collaborative Post Thanks to advances in medical sciences and standards of living, life expectancy in the UK has increased steadily over the past 40 years. And, of course, this is positive news. However, this also means that there is a larger elderly population today than before. Living longer poses some significant challenges to those people, […]
Read more4 tell tale signs you’ve found a great carer
Collaborative Post For many older people, their care worker is their primary lifeline. This is someone who helps with everything, including housework, personal care, and more. Because they play such an important role, though, it’s critical to look for care workers who have the right qualities. If they aren’t up to the mark, then your […]
Read moreOral hygiene and caring for teeth in later years
Once upon a time on a visit to my bedridden dad at his care home, he asked if I would clean his teeth as the carers hadn’t had time to do so. Of course, said I, and gathered up a bowl and some water, his toothbrush and toothpaste and a towel, ready for some in-mouth […]
Read moreHow to adjust your home to suit an older relative
Collaborative Post However much we put off thinking about the realities of the aging process, we cannot deny the toll that time takes on our bodies and minds. Living to a ripe old age is indisputably a blessing but one which comes with many strings attached, including physical deterioration that can be anywhere between bothersome […]
Read moreWhat to say when they are never coming home
Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult to know what to do for the best. Dr Lesley Trenner offers advice to a reader who’s stuck between kindness and honesty when her mum asks when she can go home from nursing care. Dear Lesley, Gosh this is hard to start. Long story short. Mum caught Covid, went to hospital, […]
Read moreWe couldn’t have asked for a more caring nursing home
Reader story We’ve heard a great deal about difficulties visiting loved ones in care homes during the pandemic, and even before then it seems it’s as ever the bad experiences that makes the headlines. A long-time friend of When They Get Older recently had to find a nursing home fast for her mother, and she […]
Read morePractical ways to support yourself as a voluntary carer
The pressure of caring for an older relative can build up and sometimes feel overwhelming – especially if you’re juggling work and care commitments. A growing number of people are turning to Google to find support in caring. New research from Seniorcare by Lottie has found a surge in online searches from carers across the […]
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