Advice and experience to help you support and protect your parents and their rights.

How was the Spring 2024 budget for older people?
We’ve just had the latest Spring Budget from the UK chancellor, and hopes that issues affecting older people might receive some attention were on the whole sadly dashed. Social care and national insurance One of the many problems with a revolving door for government leaders is that policies change rapidly. Only a few years ago […]
Read moreRookie mistakes when buying life insurance
Collaborative Post Buying life insurance is a great way to protect your loved ones financially in case something were to happen to you. But whether you’ve already bought cover or not, there are a number of mistakes you should avoid to get the most out of your cover. Here are some errors people make when […]
Read moreTop Tips for Managing Bills on Behalf of a Loved One
Collaborative Post Managing bills for a loved one can be a daunting task, especially when aiming to ensure their financial well-being without compromising on the quality of their utilities and services. From setting up direct debits to understanding energy usage, here are several strategies to streamline the process and make bill management efficient and stress-free. […]
Read moreWarnings on no-win, no-fee offers on NHS CHC claims
The question of NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) payments has been a challenging one for many. Now the announcement of updated UK government guidelines have prompted renewed warnings from a group of organisations campaigning to improve CHC that they should be aware of their rights and be wary of no-claim, no-fee offers. What is NHS CHC? […]
Read moreSmart Budgeting: Secrets to Managing Your Finances Effectively
Collaborative Post Budgeting is usually perceived as a daunting, miserable, and unfashionable affair. This originates partly from our unfortunate programming via unwise channels of knowledge. Buying a new cool gadget is thought to be fashionable. Yet, we fail to realize the ravaging repercussions of impulse purchases in our lives. Smart budgeting enables you to navigate […]
Read moreManaging Your Finances in Later Life – Some Top Tips
Collaborative Post Staying on top of your finances is crucial at any age, but it can be especially important for older people. It helps you retire with peace of mind with enough money to cover your basic needs as well as any unexpected costs. Budgeting in retirement Whether or not you’re accustomed to budgeting, now […]
Read moreHow much does a ‘comfortable’ retirement cost?
From time to time we see tables published exploring how much we need in the way of an annual income in retirement to be able to enjoy our senior years. Here are the latest conclusions. Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association One analysis can be found in the Retirement Living Standards, published by the Pensions and […]
Read moreThe importance of an emergency fund
Collaborative Post You have no idea what life is going to throw at you, particularly as you get older. Being prepared for whatever comes your way is always a good idea, whether it be health concerns, family troubles or money worries. One way to build your financial resilience is to start an emergency fund, which […]
Read moreRetirement Readiness: Managing Medication Costs in Your Financial Strategy
Collaborative Post Healthcare costs have become one of the most significant concerns. For many seniors in countries where healthcare is not free at the point of delivery, medication expenses can pose a substantial financial burden. As a result, it’s crucial for these seniors and their families to proactively address this issue in their retirement planning […]
Read moreA Guide to Government Grants for Pensioners in the UK
Collaborative Post In the UK, around 12 million people are over state pension age, and a significant percentage are on pension credit. These individuals often struggle with escalating heating bills and living in homes with outdated heating systems and insufficient insulation. Navigating financial aid can be a maze, especially when discerning what government grants are […]
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