Checklist For Moving Elderly People To Care Homes
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There are many things to consider when moving older people into care homes, including the emotional state of both you and your loved one. Did you know that the average person’s house in America, for example, is about 25% of their total worth?
That means that when a loved one can no longer live alone, it may be time to consider moving them into a care home. It may turn out that this is also what your loved one wants.
This checklist for moving elderly people to care homes offers advice on how to move an elderly person from their current place of residence and into a new care home.
Check the weather forecast
It is important to check the weather forecast before moving elderly people into care homes because this can help you make a more informed decision about your move and keep them safe from any harm.
In addition, it will also give you peace of mind knowing that they are well protected from bad weather conditions. This article describes better how you can check the weather forecast.
But do not solely rely on weather reports, you should ask for their input as well.
Another thing to consider is the clothing your loved one will wear during bad weather conditions. Make sure they are wearing sturdy boots or shoes with non-slip soles and warm coats that can protect them from rain or snowfall.
Pack up all their things
The best way to make packing for moving elderly people easier is to pack everything in boxes before you move them. This will reduce the chances of your loved one getting injured while trying to lift heavy objects out of cupboards and off shelves, or having a fall as they navigate around large boxes that are in their way.
If you can, try to pack everything into boxes before moving day so they only have the items on display and nothing else. This will keep your loved one safe while packing up which is important if they need medical care during this process too.
Make sure that their home is in good condition before moving out
Elderly care home moving companies can begin to help out months ahead of the move because it is a very involved process that can take up lots of time. The first step begins with setting up an appointment to have your loved one’s home assessed for any potential hazards or issues that need to be addressed before their move, such as broken steps on stairs and even loose floorboards.
Find a care home that is close by so they can visit often if they want
If one partner of a couple is moving into a care home, they need to find one close by so they can visit often. This allows them some independence but also keeps them safe and near their loved ones. They should choose one with rooms or apartments instead of dormitory-style if possible, as this gives more space and privacy than sharing a room would.
Talk to the care home staff
Once you’ve made the move and have settled into their new surroundings, be sure to keep an open line of communication with the staff at their care home.
While this might seem like a daunting task, it’s actually pretty easy to do and will go a long way towards making your loved one feel more comfortable in their new living situation. After all, keeping up on how they’re doing is part of being a good family member.
Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your talks with care home staff:
- Talk about any special needs or limitations for your loved one: This is especially important if they have dementia, as it will help you work together toward creating an environment that’s conducive to their specific needs. In many cases, this might mean paying closer attention to their activities schedule or meal times.
- Keep it simple: Remember, these are people who deal with elderly people all day long and don’t need you dumbing down your words for them. Just be honest about what’s going on in your loved one’s life so they can help out accordingly. Ask questions if there is anything you don’t understand.
Keep the conversation casual and relaxed as much as possible, but also open to any suggestions that they have for your loved one’s care plan.
As a final note, it can be difficult to adjust to seeing your elderly parents in a new environment instead of their home where everything is familiar and comfortable. You might even feel a bit guilty for choosing this route instead of staying with them at their home.
Arrange transport from their current residence to their new place as soon as possible
In general, elderly people would have a difficult time travelling long distances without assistance. By arranging for this help ahead of time you can ensure that everything will go smoothly and they won’t have any issues or delays getting where they need to be on moving day. It would therefore be great if you rent a vehicle from a car hire company with a good reputation.
Be prepared for the possibility of an emergency
Some elderly people are unable to call the emergency services if they need help, so it is up to their family or caregiver to ensure that there is a plan in place should something happen during the move. If you do not have time to be with your elderly relative during the move, then you should have a family member or friend be with them to ensure that they are not injured.
This can also be something that helps you plan for the right home, suite, or service to use. Nurse call technology is something that those with medical problems (or elderly people who may just need to be attended to with a little more care) can truly benefit from. Don’t be afraid to use these services or demand them when searching for the appropriate place to stay. It will make a difference.
The checklist is a list of things to do for the move. It’s also a reminder not to forget anything important during this time, as well as an outline of what needs to be done before and after moving day. With our checklist in hand, you can be sure that your elderly loved one will be safe and comfortable at their new home care facility.
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Image from Pexels.